Monday, July 23, 2012


Just as in earthly life lovers long for the moment when they are able to breathe forth their love for each other, to let their souls blend in a soft whisper, so the mystic longs for the moment when in prayer he can, as it were, creep into God.
Soren Kierkegaard

Creeping in to god. Releasing all that is in order to accept all that could be. Most religions have some idea of releasing and entrusting the will of the universe into your life and I find this Ida something to be terrifying to me. Not because I lack trust in the Spirit of Life and not because I doubt that the Mother of the World lacks influence I our life but because of the things that are done by those who claim that this is the plan that was given to them by their deity.

In a statement released by Zimmerman he stated that his murder of Trayvon was God's plan, Anders who shot the children's camp in Norway made a similar statement about it being "God's will."

There's a program on Netflix called What the Bleep do we Know? In this program they tell about how when the English settlers originally began arriving the Native Americans didn't see the ships that they came in because they were not aware at the time that boats like that existed. This lack of knowledge meant their brains were unable to comprehend the images they were given. The way that something was odd was the waves that were hitting the bottom of the boat and the strange clouds made by the ships sails Eventually the Medicine Man of the village saw the ship and because the villagers trusted the Medicine Man they saw the ships as well. Anne Frank wrote, "The best remedy for those who are alone, afraid or unhappy, is to go someplace quiet. Where they can be alone with heavens nature and God."

Creeping into the Spirit of Life should be something that is challenging. Opening yourself to seeing how to make yourself a blessing maybe uncomfortable, it may mean facing some harsh truths but violent, hateful and mean. That isn't holy. You can tell a lot about a tree by the type of fruit it blossoms. It isn't difficult to see when you know what you are looking for. Things that do no affirm the worth and dignity of all peoples are not things that are holy and no matter who some people believe are inspiring them I have my doubts that it's god.

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